District Chairperson
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Masindi District Local Government Website. With over 57 ethnic tribes in the District, this makes us one of the most unique Districts in the Country. The people of Masindi District are welcoming and at the same time are hospitable. The District has great Tourism attractions such as Budongo Forest which has got Chimpanzee Trekking and Bird viewing among other potentials and is a route to the great Murchison Falls National Park.
I am very grateful for being part of this great District. This being my first term in office, am very optimistic that I will deliver as expected of me so that all communities benefit from the services being offered.
Much has been achieved in directing the District towards fulfilling its mandate. More is yet to be done to achieve a fully Transformed Masindi from a Rural subsistence Agricultural District to a thriving Industrialized entity. Our focus will now be directed towards strengthening accountability to citizens, increasing responsiveness of public servants and inspiring public confidence.