Leaders in Bunyoro Have Asked for The Extension of NUSAF Project
By Brian Atuhura
The Leaders from Bunyoro Sub-region have requested Government to extend The Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF) in order to reach more people.
Their request came yesterday during a review and consultative workshop on NUSAF 3 Project held Kolping Hotel in Masindi Town.
Addressing Stakeholders during the workshop, Alfred Otera from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) who represented the Director NUSAF 3 Project, revealed that the Project was supposed to initially close last year in December, but their activities were interupted by the outbreak of COVID-19 which stalled the Operations and Government requested World Bank for an extension of the Project in order to compesate for the lost time.
Otera explained that, the two parties re-scheduled the Project Date for Closure to 30th June 2021 and he added that the Government got 130 Million US Dollars to implement the Project's activities in 67 Districts.
The Leaders who attended the Workshop expressed satisfaction of the performance of NUSAF 3 Project in their respective Districts.
Aled Akugizibwe the Member of Parliament elect for Buruli Constituency called for lobbying of more funders during NUSAF 4 other than relying on borrowed funds.
Speaking in the same workshop, The District Woman Member of Parliament elect Kiryandongo, Hellen Max Kahunde, proposed putting empasis on post harvest handling and market for agricultural produce to enable Farmers benefit more from Farming.
Masindi District Chairperson Cosmas Byaruhanga requested fro small irrigation facilities under NUSAF 4 to enable Farmers produce Food Items through out the year.