Hundreds grace 10th Agri-Business expo in Masindi
By Brian Atuhura
Hundreds of people turned up to participate at the 10th Agri-Business expo to learn modern agronomic farming practices.
This was the 8th edition for Masindi District as the first two expos were held in Mbale and Mbarara respectively.
This year's Agri-Business expo was held under the theme,"Agro-Industrialization as aTool to Sustainable Farm Incomes Amidst Changing Climates".
Speaking as she opened the two days Agri-Business expo on Friday,at Masindi Agricultural demonstration center in Kihonda,the District Woman Member of Parliament,Dr.Florence Asiimwe implored farmers to embrace modern farming methods to be able to maximize sales and increase on house hold incomes.
She also advised locals to join the Parish Development Model since they will access funds to purchase farm inputs like fertilizers which will enable them harvest good quality crops.
Speaking at the same expo,the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Emmy Ngabirano called upon the residents to use the Parish Development Model (PDM)effeciently inorder to move to the money economy
He also, advised the parents to take thier children aged 12-17 for COVID-19 vaccination as cases had started to resurge in the country.
Speaking as he closed the two-days Agri-Business expo on Saturday,Hon.Aled Ronald Akugizibwe cautioned Agri-Input dealers, against selling counterfeit pecticides and herbicides as many farmers hard an outcry of poor yields.
Atotal of 24 exhibitors participated in the Agri-Business expo 2022, where anumber of products were exhibited to farmers.