Over shillings 200 Million construction projects Launched in Masindi
By Brian Atuhura
The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Masindi Emmy Ngabirano yesterday launched construction of shillings 200 million projects across the district with a call to contractors to produce quality and durable structures.
He added that, if contractors produce sub-standard work, after government injecting in allot of money, they will be black listed from the district contracts.
Speaking during the same function, the District chairperson , Cosmas Byaruhanga asked the Project Management Committees to closely monitor and supervise these projects to avoid shoddy works at early stages.
Meanwhile, the Member of Parliament for Bujenje County Hon Kenneth Kiiza Nyendwoha explained to the locals of Kitonozi that out of the 200 iron sheets that he lobed from the Office of the Prime Minister, only 175 iron sheets were approved and will soon be delivered to support the roofing of a two classroom block at Kitonozi Primary school.
The construction projects launched yesterday, amounting to over shillings 200 million include; a two (2) classroom block at Kijunjubwa primary school worth shillings 74.4 million, a two classroom block with an office and store costing shillings 74.9 million at Kitonozi Primary school and partial renovation of an Out Patients Department (OPD) at Bwijanga Health Center IV costing shilling 52 millions.