Masindi District Council Refuses to Okay Shs. 140M Health Supplimentary Budget
By Brian Atuhura
Masindi District Council yesterday refused to pass shillings 140 millions COVID-19 Health supplementary budget saying that it needed to go through the right procedures for scrutiny.
A number of councilors while deliberating on the COVID-19 Health supplementary budget complained that the budget was not presented to the Finance Sectoral Committee for scrutiny and discussion.
They said, they wouldn't risk passing this supplementary budget without clear indication that the money was received by district.
The District Council Speaker, Moses Kirya ruled in favour of the councilors saying that the supplementary budget will be approved in the sub sequence council plenary when the money comes to the district coffers.
However, the District Chairperson, Cosmas Byaruhanga expressed concern over councils decision of refusing to pass supplementary budget saying that, the healthy workers may get demoralized since they have been conducting the mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign without facilitation.
Many of the Health workers had dedicated concerted efforts to make the vaccination exercise run smoothly, but now with the councils decision not to give the green light to the Supplementary budget, Some health services may be paralyzed.