Gender Ministry launches A SAUTI 116 District Action Center
By Brian Atuhura
The Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development has embarked on the plan to establish a SAUTI 116 District Action Center with an aim of increasing reporting of cases of child abuse of Masindi District.
Speaking during a stakeholders meeting on the establishment of Uganda Child Helpline Sauti 116 held on Monday this week in the District Council Chambers, the Principal Assistant Chief Administrative Officer (PACAO)
Richard Kiiza, blamed the rampant child abuse cases on parents and leaders how fail to act by keeping silent at times when children are being subjected to torture.
Speaking in the same meeting, the Supervisor of Uganda Child Helpline Sauti 116 from the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development, Doreen C Maleni disclosed that Masindi was chosen among the Districts for assessment of the Action Center because it has many cases of child abuse.
She also added that, the Ministry will integrate Child abuse with Gender Based Violence cases to see that they are implemented and worked upon to conclusion.
In his closing remarks, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner Masindi, Richard Tabaaro appreciated the ministry of Gender for decentralizing the call helpline services to the District since this mechanism will simplify victims of child abuse since its a toll free line.
He however, appealed to the stakeholders in the District to act as role models so that other Districts may bench mark from Masindi.