Exceptional,Memorable Tour!
By Brian Atuhura
In abid to promote and appreciate domestic tourism,locals in Masindi and the neighbouring districts on Saturday 20th February visited eminent tourism sites to learn,appreciate and reserve them for the future generation.
Some of the sites toured among others included;Kyamuleju "Baligota Isanja'' in Kijura Cell.This place is historical because its where Sir Samuel Baker met the Omukama Kabalega in abattle field.History indicates that,Kabalega after realizing that Sir Samuel Baker wanted to end his life by shooting him,Omukama Kabalega withdrew tactically and Sir Samuel Baker missed his target,that's why the place was named ''Baligota Isanja'''.
The local tourists,were taken to the second tourism site,where they trekked the royal mile in Budongo forest.This place is historical because,it used to be the hunting ground for the Omukama Kabalega.
Later on,the tourists were taken to the third tourism site where they visited the polish heritage sites including,the church and the cemetry in Nyabyeya.History records that,Nyabyeya hosted over 6,000 polish nationlas as refugees of the second world war which started in 1939 and ended in 1945 nearly 78 years ago.
The last tourist site that the locals visited was Nyabyeya Forestry College,where they saw the first fuel pump in Masindi and the polish refugee camps.
In anut shell,sincere appreciation goes to the participants who supported the trip by contributing funds,appreciation also goes to the District Tourism Officer,Riitah Karungi Abwooli for organising the trip with an aim of promoting domestic tourism and we also applaud the district leadership for supporting always the tourism intiatives.
These local domestic tours,are always initiated,organised and promoted by the District Tourism Officer and supported by the district leadership.